Asbestos Testing and Inspection
Your home, residential commercial property or commercial property may be a prime place for the presence of asbestos. Especially if the structure is older than 1990.
Exposure to asbestos can occur when asbestos-containing material (man-made or natural) is disturbed releasing asbestos fibers into the air. Asbestos that is embedded or contained in undisturbed solid materials presents a negligible risk of exposure.
The primary route of asbestos entry into the body is inhalation of air that contains asbestos fibers. Asbestos can also enter the body via ingestion. With dermal exposure, asbestos fibers may lodge in the skin.
Exposure to asbestos can cause Mesothelioma cancer.
Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the thin membrane protecting several of the body’s most important organs, including the lungs, abdomen, and heart. Each year, there are roughly 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma diagnosed in the United States. At this time, asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma. Many industries, such as construction, manufacturing, and the military, have used asbestos in a variety of materials. It may take decades from the time of asbestos exposure for mesothelioma to develop.
Asbestos can be found in many areas of a structure, such as:
- Plaster
- Carpeting Mastic
- Ceilings
- Chimney Flue
- Ducts
- Pipes
- Roofing Shingles
- Exterior Siding
- Walls
- Wire Insulation
- Electrical Panel
- Felt
- Shingles
- Tar or “Black Jack”
- Spackling compounds
- Vinyl wall coverings
- Attic Insulation
- Wall insulation
- Insulating Cloth
- Vapor Barriers
- Boiler Insulation
- Ductwork Insulation
- Furnace Insulation
- Gaskets
- Heat Shields
- HVAC Vibration Dampeners
- Pipe Insulation
- Thermal Taping Compounds
- Asphalt Floor Tiles
- Floor Tile Mastic
- Vinyl Floor Tiles
- Vinyl Sheet Flooring (linoleum)
Are you looking for a professional experienced asbestos inspector to check for the presence of asbestos in purchasing – renovations or demolition of a home, residential commercial property or a commercial property? If so, look no further than Sentry Inspection Services. We are the highest rated asbestos inspector in the southwest Georgia area.
We have years of professional experience in asbestos testing and inspections as well as professional sample collection to screen for the presence of asbestos. Our services include visual and physical assessments and collecting samples of suspected materials for testing using a strict chain of custody protocol. We provide easy to follow state of the art asbestos inspection reports as well as a certified professional laboratory asbestos analysis report identifying what materials, if any, contain asbestos.
Should repair or removal of asbestos occur, we can ensure the asbestos abatement contractor has followed proper procedures, including during cleanup, and we can monitor the air to ensure that there is no elevated level of asbestos fibers.
Rest assured that we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality professional services possible. So, contact us today for all of your asbestos testing and inspection needs and let us give you our peace of mind.
Learn more about the health benefits of asbestos inspections
Is asbestos really a danger to your health?
Yes, breathing asbestos fibers can cause Mesothelioma, a cancer that affects the thin membrane protecting several of the body’s most important organs, including the lungs, abdomen, and heart. If you breathe asbestos fibers, you may also increase the risk of cancers of the digestive system, including colon cancer.
What is an Asbestos Inspection and Testing?
An asbestos inspection aims to identify and document the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in a structure, before purchase, selling process, remodeling, or demolition. In addition to a visual inspection, the inspector collects samples of any suspect materials and has the samples analyzed by a nationally accredited laboratory to verify the presence of asbestos.
When should asbestos inspections be done?
Asbestos inspections should be done before purchasing or selling a home that could possibly contain asbestos materials for due diligence. Inspections should also be done before renovation or demolition of any structure that may contain asbestos materials. These inspections are required by federal rules and regulations as set forth by OSHA and the US EPA, as well as many state regulations, and even some local codes.
Exposure to asbestos can occur when asbestos-containing material (man-made or natural) is disturbed releasing asbestos fibers into the air. Asbestos that is embedded or contained in undisturbed solid materials presents a
negligible risk of exposure.
The primary route of asbestos entry into the body is inhalation of air that contains asbestos fibers. Asbestos can also enter the body via ingestion. With dermal exposure, asbestos fibers may lodge in the skin.
Who does an asbestos inspection?
Asbestos inspections should be done by a qualified professional inspector who conducts a comprehensive visual inspection, collects samples following a strict chain of custody protocol, and has an analysis report completed by a nationally certified laboratory.
How do I know if I have asbestos in my home or structure?
The only way to know for sure if you have asbestos present in a home or another structure is to have an inspection completed. The inspection should be done by a qualified professional inspector who conducts a comprehensive visual inspection, collects samples following a strict chain of custody protocol, and has an analysis report completed by a nationally certified laboratory.
How much does an asbestos inspection and testing cost?
Typically, the cost for asbestos inspections averages between $300 – $600 for an average-sized home. Larger homes and certainly commercial properties will usually cost more due to the total space of the structure involved. Actual cost also varies depending on the number of suspected asbestos-laden material identified during the inspection process as well as the number of samples collected and lab analysis fees.
What happens during an asbestos inspection and testing?
We perform a comprehensive visual inspection methodology that ensures you receive a comprehensive report. Upon arrival, we will meet with you and discuss any concerns or problems that you may have as our client in the inspection process. We will also ask you to identify any physical areas or locations (if any) that you suspect may contain asbestos-laden materials. Your inspection process starts with a visual survey of your structure’s space – both external and internal. During the inspection, we note any visual signs of possible asbestos-containing materials or ACMs. These areas are documented and photographed, and we will collect physical samples of these suspect materials. All the collected samples are secured using a professional chain of custody protocol and forwarded to our nationally accredited laboratory for analysis. As soon as we have the laboratory analysis report, we issue our full asbestos
inspection report.
Do all home inspectors check for asbestos?
The answer is usually NO. Most home inspectors don’t look for asbestos, often because they are not specifically trained to spot asbestos within a house, collect samples and/or have them analyzed.
How long does an asbestos inspection take?
Typically, an asbestos inspection will take between 1 ½ to 2 hours for most average-sized residential structures. Of course, this varies depending on the circumstances encountered during the inspection process as well as the number of identified suspected asbestos-containing materials found during the inspection. Generally, inspections in business or commercial properties typically take much longer and vary according to the age and size of the structure as
How long does it take to get my asbestos report back?
It generally takes the lab 3 to 5 business days to analyze the samples and issue their report. Once we receive the laboratory results back, we issue our full report within 24 hours.
What are some of the symptoms of exposure to asbestos?
The most common symptoms are:
Shortness of breath.
Persistent dry cough.
Chest tightness or chest pain.
Weight loss from loss of appetite.
A dry, crackling sound in the lungs while breathing in.
How are people exposed to asbestos?
Exposure to asbestos can occur when asbestos-containing materials are disturbed and release asbestos fibers into the air. The most common route of asbestos entry into the body is inhalation of air that contains asbestos fibers. Asbestos can also enter the body via ingestion. With dermal exposure, asbestos fibers may lodge in the skin.
Is an asbestos inspection covered by insurance?
Homeowners may be covered for the cost of an asbestos inspection and testing depending on the specific perils that their policy covers. If asbestos is not specifically covered as a peril under a homeowner’s policy, it might still be covered or reimbursable if an accident such as storm damage or a busted plumbing pipe causes unexpected exposure to asbestos-containing materials. Homeowners can reference their policy or inquire with their insurance agent for
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