Benefits of a Thermal Imaging Inspection

Having a comprehensive home inspection is essential in the home buying process in Albany, Leesburg and Southwest Georgia. A large part of getting a quality inspection is making sure you have a thermal imaging scan included due to the high humidity level in this area.

A significant portion of the home and its major equipment are hidden by walls, flooring, and insulation and can not be seen. So how do you tell if major systems like your HVAC, ducts, wall cavities, electrical systems, and plumbing systems are working properly if you can’t see them? Answer: a thermal imaging inspection.

Sentry Home Inspection Services provides both basic and advanced full thermal imaging services for our home inspections. While our basic thermal imaging service is geared to scan the basic home component systems – our advanced full thermal imaging service covers the entire home envelope and can identify issues that are key to energy conservation and utility cost. We are professionally trained and certified in the use of thermal imaging. This service allows you, the homeowner and purchaser, to get a complete picture of the homes condition.


A thermal imaging or infrared camera is essentially a heat camera that has built in sensor capability of detecting tiny or minute differences in temperature in the environment. The device collects the infrared radiation from objects in the scene and creates an electronic image based on information about the temperature differences. Temperature differences are displayed in various color ranges revealing hidden information that is essential to a home inspection.


Thermal Imaging can find issues in homes that cannot be observed with the naked human eye. By using a professional home inspector who is certified in thermal imaging or infrared camera use, homeowners can get a more complete picture of their homes condition. Here are some of the major issues that our advanced full thermal imaging services can identify:

Water Intrusion

Hidden Moisture

Mold growth

Plumbing Leaks

Electrical Malfunctions or Hot Spots

Dysfunctional HVAC Systems

Dangerous Venting or Flue Leaks

Heat or Air Conditioning Loss

Broken or Compromised Seals in Double-Panned Windows

Inadequate or Compromised Seals Around Entry or Exit Doors

Inadequate Proper Insulation

Possible Wood Destroying Pest Infestation

Presence of Intruders Such as Mice, Rats and Other Rodents and much, much more.

So if you have never had a thermal imaging inspection performed on your home or you are buying or selling a home, contact Sentry Home Inspection Services today to schedule your thermal imaging inspection. Let us give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what kind of shape your home is in.

At Sentry Home Inspection Services – We’ve Got Your Back!